
The Dream of X by William Hope Hodgson
The Dream of X by William Hope Hodgson

This is part of the weird sub-genre of horror, so be advised that this is not Hodgson at his best, IMHO and if you are not a fan of weird Lovecraftian-style horror, you should probably give this one a pass. I do not count it a total loss, but I give it 2 Grey Geeks for the lyrical and innovative storytelling. Here, I was lost from the very onset and 140 pages later, I was scratching my head.

The Dream of X by William Hope Hodgson

What does it say to you that Hodgson pared his tome to an otherwise svelte 20,000-word novella, and I still did not understand the Dream? I understand that a dream is filled with metaphor and simile conveyed in lyrically poetic language, but Hodgson was usually very good at world-building. I agree that there is beauty in the evocative verbiage, but what does it matter that in an effusive word salad there is beauty, if the entire dream is lost? The original work titled the Nightlands was 200,000 words. The prose meanders so much that the tale suffers in the telling.

The Dream of X by William Hope Hodgson

ISBN 0-91.I enjoy William Hope Hodgson’s creativity however, this is not one of his classic best works. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. "Return to the Night Land An Introduction". Westminster, MD and Baltimore: Mirage Press, Ltd. The Science-Fantasy Publishers: A Bibliographic History, 1923-1998. He then financed the printing himself through publisher R. This final volume of works by English author, disillusioned sailor and bodybuilder Hodgson (18771918) presents 31 strange and unsettling visions of fantasy. In order to ensure the copyright, he revised and abridged the novel, condensing it to 20,000 words. Hodgson was unable to find an American publisher for his 200,000-word novel. At that time, copyright in the United States could not be obtained until the book was printed within the US. Hodgson's novel The Night Land was published in England in 1912. It was published in an edition of 2,220 copies. Numerous and frequently-updated resource results are available from this search.

The Dream of X by William Hope Hodgson The Dream of X by William Hope Hodgson

It was first published as a stand-alone book in 1977 by Donald M. The dream of X (Book, 1977) COVID-19 Resources Reliable information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) is available from the World Health Organization ( current situation, international travel ). The abridgment was originally published as part of the chapbook collection Poems and the Dream of X in 1912 by R. The Dream of X is a novella by English writer William Hope Hodgson, an abridged version of his 1912 science fiction novel The Night Land.

The Dream of X by William Hope Hodgson