
Rabbit In Red by Joe Chianakas
Rabbit In Red by Joe Chianakas

Once the contest gets started the book really moves into high gear. A few details of Bill's life could have been left out (his alcoholic mother for example) and perhaps would have been better used by some more development of Bill and Jamie. I enjoyed the little nods to other works, pay attention to the first line for nice shout out to the Dark Tower is just one example. I quite enjoy trivia and while there was a few questions I knew, the commitment (and level of knowledge) Joe has to write these questions is impressive. So the trivia contest to get in that Bill and Jamie enter, I loved it. The characters are all likable (and fun) and Bill's bloody past certainly adds a nice element to the story. As for the story, I was quickly drawn in. I have let the author know about it and hopefully we will have it fixed sometime.

Rabbit In Red by Joe Chianakas

I have to admit that this did take me out of the story at times. First off this audio production has errors, there are lines repeated at least 6 times in several chapters, sometimes you can hear background noise, part of one chapter is very choppy and another chapter cuts off abruptly. Before I get too much into what I did love (and other parts I liked a lot) I should deal with the negative.

Rabbit In Red by Joe Chianakas Rabbit In Red by Joe Chianakas

This book is a tribute to a lot of other great horror books and movies and I loved that part of it. I have always enjoyed horror books and I was looking forward to this. I was thrilled when it became available as an audio book earlier this month and once I clued up my last listen, I got into this one on a long drive across the province (Newfoundland is big enough you can actually drive for 10+ hours in one direction, I did 7). This is a book I had been meaning to read for a while (almost a year) but I'll admit I've gotten very slow with print/digital copies.

Rabbit In Red by Joe Chianakas